Tuesday 4 December 2012

Welcome Back, Kotter 

This is probably the best show i have ever watched that makes me feel warm inside, it's not one of those series that you feel you HAVE to keep up with .. it's cheesy except it has the right amount, making it fun and exciting.

For Welcome Back, Kotter i would rate this a 10/10 i was just watching some more episodes of it and it is honestly hilarious .. It has the attitude of the 70's except the humor is still funny! 

Everything is different, so its kinda cool looking at how they dressed, their hair styles and even how they act.

His hair looks H I L A R I O U S here 
 This is probably what they call "swag" back then.

There are many clips on youtube, and even episodes! I laugh so hard at this clip it kills me everytime! The way he reacts at the end when the last sub arrives.

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