Sunday 2 December 2012


I hate seeing bullying happen, i'm personally against all types of bullying. It's childish and wrong and shouldn't happen at all.
It causes self esteem issues, problems coping with things and drastic measures like death. 

I see videos of like this about girls being bullied, mostly about their appearances and it gives me chills knowing people still do this. Most people say it's a joke except those are always the ones playing the joke, the victims are the ones trying to forget about it all. 
Just knowing that someone doesn't like you, or think you're ugly can trigger many inner thoughts that you never knew you had. 
Some people turn to self harm which isn't surprising, but some go for the worst which is suicide, there are so many teenagers taking their lives because of obnoxious boys and girls. 

The struggle to fit in is getting bigger and bigger .. Most adults don't notice but even teenagers have things to worry about, we see it as little things and we may never even notice all the signs. These kids are all fighting the same battle, they all try to look like Tyra Banks, or one of the Victoria Secret Angels they will do anything, from bulimia to starving to maybe even drugs. 

Except there may be a little light to all this mayhem, some teens still try to stand up for their friends and peers .. Except is it really helping? Some people don't realize in time that their words affect others a 100 % let it be about their family or even their grades, it will hurt them either way.

Stop bullying and step by step, it will be eliminated world wide .. but that's just in our dreams, this is reality. 

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