Monday 3 December 2012

Media Walk

To walk around Downtown, and hope to see no advertisements is like going to the shopping mall and hope for no clothes to be sold. 
It's unbelievable to see that everywhere you look or turn there will be an ad, either on the traffic post or even the mailbox.

Most people don't realize it but we are being controlled by the media! Anything they say, we do it.. "BUY THIS NEW PRODUCT IT HAS.." we will probably go ahead and buy it. 
Take the iPhone for instance, the move from iPhone 4 to 4s, was literally a 2 minute update, nothing with the structure, or even screen changed .. little upgrades as those done to the iPhone 4s and the media is what gets us hyped to see what's new.

If we actually thought about what we're buying, then society would see that it's honestly unnecessary to buy this new iPhone 4s. 

That's outside the point, if we were to walk through downtown Toronto, we would most likely see more advertisements on the street than on the internet.. It's that bad, that sales man resort to posting up millions of flyers every where, even on the garbage bins .. who is really going to look there ?! 
 No one in their right mind takes the time to read all these .. what's the point ? 
Half of the ads and commercials are barely even looked at, so why are sales representatives still wasting money and time on them ? 

Questions ... I still need answers for.


  1. twice titled man? Nice frog, though. One more post needed? Keep going!

  2. i just figured out how to view comments haha
