Tuesday 4 December 2012

Khan Academy

I have heard many things about Khan Academy, mostly positive comments especially from people i know. 
I watched a couple of videos to get to know the program, and it really does help, many people I know use it, even my sister does when she doesn't understand.

It keeps you at your own pace, on your time. Pause, play, rewind and forward the video when ever you want. 

This program is non profit and it still stays on the web, these kind of programs are what keeps the world going rather than paying an extra thousand for a tutor. 

 Salman Khan, is the founder of this organization and must i say he is a fine man.. To take the opportunity to do all of this, of course with the help of some nice people, but to actually take the time and effort to do all of this himself is amazing. 

Take a chance to visit the Khan Academy yourself, and maybe you will get much satisfaction as others did as well. 

Welcome Back, Kotter 

This is probably the best show i have ever watched that makes me feel warm inside, it's not one of those series that you feel you HAVE to keep up with .. it's cheesy except it has the right amount, making it fun and exciting.

For Welcome Back, Kotter i would rate this a 10/10 i was just watching some more episodes of it and it is honestly hilarious .. It has the attitude of the 70's except the humor is still funny! 

Everything is different, so its kinda cool looking at how they dressed, their hair styles and even how they act.

His hair looks H I L A R I O U S here 
 This is probably what they call "swag" back then.

There are many clips on youtube, and even episodes! I laugh so hard at this clip it kills me everytime! The way he reacts at the end when the last sub arrives.

Al Pacino

Al Pacino .. This guy has been in my life ever since i could remember, he taught me my favorite phrase "Say hello, to my little friend" .. I obviously don't use it in the literal form except it's pretty funny to say. 

To tell you the truth, i never knew him as Al Pacino, more like Scarface 
 That's the man! When I got to know what he went through to get where he is now .. It really inspired me to get back on my feet and never give up. 

He went from the streets to a great film career, it wasn't that easy as i recall. He went through loads of work mostly between the point where his hero died; his grandfather was the greatest work of art to Al Pacino. He looked up to him, he was mainly his role model. 

Aside from that! Al Pacino is just amazing, plain and simple if i were to rate him he would obviously be a 10.5. 

Monday 3 December 2012

Media Walk

To walk around Downtown, and hope to see no advertisements is like going to the shopping mall and hope for no clothes to be sold. 
It's unbelievable to see that everywhere you look or turn there will be an ad, either on the traffic post or even the mailbox.

Most people don't realize it but we are being controlled by the media! Anything they say, we do it.. "BUY THIS NEW PRODUCT IT HAS.." we will probably go ahead and buy it. 
Take the iPhone for instance, the move from iPhone 4 to 4s, was literally a 2 minute update, nothing with the structure, or even screen changed .. little upgrades as those done to the iPhone 4s and the media is what gets us hyped to see what's new.

If we actually thought about what we're buying, then society would see that it's honestly unnecessary to buy this new iPhone 4s. 

That's outside the point, if we were to walk through downtown Toronto, we would most likely see more advertisements on the street than on the internet.. It's that bad, that sales man resort to posting up millions of flyers every where, even on the garbage bins .. who is really going to look there ?! 
 No one in their right mind takes the time to read all these .. what's the point ? 
Half of the ads and commercials are barely even looked at, so why are sales representatives still wasting money and time on them ? 

Questions ... I still need answers for.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Silvestri StoryWorks

Blog - Silvestri StoryWorks 

Tom Silvestri, is the owner of this company. This man developed his dreams and all he ever wanted is this, this was his all time dream. 
His blog isn't that excited, it's more work orientated mostly all about his job job job. 
Most people like a little bit of eye candy to refresh their mind except his blog is pretty much really boring it got me yawning all it had was his achievements and what he will do for you. 
I would have wanted to see more of colors, and pictures popping up about his career, something more eye opening and exciting. 

His blog is honestly not that exciting! I would rather see something like his pictures with his family, and where he grew up and what not .. giving us feedback that he is the right guy for my screen play

But no. They show us a picture of him looking busy with his phone, probably a business call .. Which isn't that pleasing to me, what if that means he doesn't have time for you or time to answer your call.


I hate seeing bullying happen, i'm personally against all types of bullying. It's childish and wrong and shouldn't happen at all.
It causes self esteem issues, problems coping with things and drastic measures like death. 

I see videos of like this about girls being bullied, mostly about their appearances and it gives me chills knowing people still do this. Most people say it's a joke except those are always the ones playing the joke, the victims are the ones trying to forget about it all. 
Just knowing that someone doesn't like you, or think you're ugly can trigger many inner thoughts that you never knew you had. 
Some people turn to self harm which isn't surprising, but some go for the worst which is suicide, there are so many teenagers taking their lives because of obnoxious boys and girls. 

The struggle to fit in is getting bigger and bigger .. Most adults don't notice but even teenagers have things to worry about, we see it as little things and we may never even notice all the signs. These kids are all fighting the same battle, they all try to look like Tyra Banks, or one of the Victoria Secret Angels they will do anything, from bulimia to starving to maybe even drugs. 

Except there may be a little light to all this mayhem, some teens still try to stand up for their friends and peers .. Except is it really helping? Some people don't realize in time that their words affect others a 100 % let it be about their family or even their grades, it will hurt them either way.

Stop bullying and step by step, it will be eliminated world wide .. but that's just in our dreams, this is reality. 

Most Recent - Despicable Me

This movie, wasn't even that bad to be honest. It kept me entertained and laughing the whole time. It had the mixture of, sappy yet funny at the same time. Basically its this unloved villain, who just wanted his mom to compliment him or at least recognize that he has potential. His whole life he never achieved anything that would make his mother proud. The plot twist is what seemed to be a bad idea, became a great ending. He adopts 3 girls who he wanted to use at first, but grew feelings for because they accepted him. I personally L O V E D it, it wasn't gruesome or anything rated-R its a feel good movie that's amazing for you and the family. 

The rating link The rating is at 7.6/10 I really don't agree with that at all ! I enjoyed every last minute of it, especially the little minions that kept popping up with their weird language. 
Steve Carell did a great job with this movie, Gru was a great character with an amazing personality that anyone can relate to. 

Here's a sneak preview of those cute little minions, they're lovable, cute and funny!